Call Doyle Pump Experts +61 3 9587 2152

Call Doyle Pump Experts
+61 3 9587 2152

About Regent Pumps

Regent Pumps, established in Australia, provides a range of centrifugal pumps and products that range from 25 mm discharge to 300 mm discharge, suitable for electric, petrol, diesel, or hydraulic drive end.

Types of pumps

A product range overview include:

  • Column Sump Pumps,
  • Din Centrifugal Pumps- Regent Dinflow, Dinbloc, and Linebloc pumps to DIN EN733 standard,
  • End Suction Pumps- Regent Minorflow, Superflow, Majorflow & Inline Minorflow,
  • Iso Centrifugal Pumps- Regent Isoflow to Iso 2858 standard,
  • Self-Priming/Trash Pumps- Regent Autoprime,
  • Split Case Pumps- Megaflow T series,
  • Vortex Pumps- Regent Vorbloc

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